Important dates

Abstract submission
Extended deadline 16.02.2019 (both oral and poster contributions)
Notification of acceptance

Call for abstracts

Oral and poster contribution are welcome, please refer to EasyChair for submissions.

Oral contributions: : short talks abstracts (20 minutes including questions) should be submitted via EasyChair.

Poster contributions: : submit the abstract via EasyChair (please append the word [POSTER] to the title of your submission).

If you submit an abstract for a talk or a poster you will be automatically registered. This is not automatic for the co-authors, so they should register separately. Also, if you submitted something, but for any reason you don’t plan to attend anymore, please send us an email with subject [BeNet2019 cancellation]


Registration is free. Nonetheless the space is limited. Preference will be given to people presenting some work, and promotion of diversity will be a criterion of choice. Please register by 19.02.2019. For those who don’t plan to submit a oral/poster contribution, you can register by simply sending an empty abstract with the word [REGISTRATION].


For any question or request please contact Pietro Coletti